Pico Princes
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                                      Prince Jake
                                      Prince Tak
                                      Prince Ricky

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posted on Friday, September 17, 2010 @ 10:35 AM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
Winner of the Poll!
Sorry, if you haven't voted for the "Which Pico Prince do you like?" Poll, I have come to known that the poll was somehow broken from their website, so we had to end this poll early. Checking on it before it was broken, it was Prince Jake, who had the most votes, so he is the winner of the this poll.

Congrats Prince Jake!!

Poll Results: [Jake: 47%] [Tak: 22%] [Ricky: 34%]

Paparazzi Shot Of The Week.

Pico: Yuki*

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